Welcome to Fratelli Milano srl web site

Presses oleo-dynamic volumetric for powder compacting for: hard metal, diamant tool abrasive wheehl, ceramic

Our company operates on the market from 1985, first only as technical designer and then, since some years, also as manufacturer.
Our purpose is to be able to give the customer a "complete prompt delivery" for all standard and special machines designed by us and EC-certified.







Frazione Vai 1/B - 10084


Copyright 2007 Fratelli Milano srl - All rights reserved- C.F. e P.I 06243000012- Design and hosted by ARIES
Frazione Vai, 1/b - 10084 Forno Canavese (To) - Iscritta al registro delle imprese di Torino con n° iscrizione 06243000012
Capitale sociale effettivamente versato risultante dall'ultimo bilancio € 45.000,00